Our Services
In order to build a language-based ML model, high-quality textual data
from different sources is required in all major languages and dialects. With our text
collection services, we can help our clients source large volumes of customized Arabic text data
to train chatbots and other digital assistants.
Properly organized and precisely annotated data is at the heart of what makes Artificial
(AI) / Machine Learning (ML) models work.Simplify and accelerate your data labeling processes with our fully managed, end-to-end
data annotation service for low coast .
Data can be annotated for a large number of use cases including Named Entity Recognition,
Sentiment Analysis, Text & AudioAnnotation, Audio Tagging, etc
Download a sample of annotated Algerian Arabic dataset here.
Companies ,Organizations and Governments are applying sentiment analysis to turn the abundance of online information into actionable insights.

About us
RANIM for Arabic natural language proccessing
Ranim for natural language processing is an algerian startup specialized in natural
language processing NLP for the Arabic language and the Maghreb dialects. for any
question please do not hesitate to contact us
Attia Bendjedou . Founder : bendjedouattia@gmail.com
Abdelhadi Labiad . Co-founder : labiad1992@gmail.com
Ahmed Bendjedou . Co-founder : abendjedou5@gmail.com